Definition of Programming
We use computer to complete our goal that solve problem. The best way to solve these problem is programming. Basically programming means Solving problem by various System. A complex problem is easily solved by programming. Mainly we can said about programming that "Any problem which is solved step by step with statements and commands that is called computer programming"
Why you have to learn web programming?
Now a days internet has become a popular media to learn. If you want to learn about Science, technology, Agriculture, Medicine etc you will get on various website of internet. If you say what is internet so, the answer will be as like that "Internet is a bundle of websites".
What is website?
Website is a untouchable thing that is made by some pages. Where contains many information about various subject.
What is website's pages?
A website's page is made by many programme which is called web programming If you want make a Application for computer so, you have to programme here. Like Visual Basic, C++ , C#, Visual Basic.Net, ASM, Assembly etc.Web programming is same to same of these programming.